R Biplot Example Csv

Dynamic Biplot

Full graphical interface to solve Dynamic Biplot, classic Biplot and HJ-Biplot. Try matrices of 2-way and 3-way. The GUI can be run in multiple languages.

CSV files have many benefits, as they are simple text files consisting of lines and each line of data is represented by a line in csv file which helps for storing tabular data. Most applications support reading and writing csv format. An example of csv file is. Name,Age,Salary Peter,35,3000 John,25,4000 Sarah,29,2900 David,54,7000. Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples. View source: R/biplot.R. Draw a bi-plot, comparing 2 selected principal components. Example Datasets from Archaeological Research: archeofrag: Refitting and Stratigraphic Analysis in Archeology: archetypes: Archetypal Analysis: archiDART: Plant Root System Architecture Analysis Using DART and RSML Files: archivist: Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects: archivist.github.


'es' - Spanish, 'en' - English, 'fr' - French, 'pt' - Portuguese.

R Biplot Example Csv Document


The program guides the user through four phases: 1- Load data (mandatory). From CSV files, txt files, objects R, clipboard or SPSS. Try matrices of 2-way and 3-way. 2- Data format (optional). 3- Selection of variables and individuals for biplot graphics. 4- Selecting Options for the chart. If 3-way data, options for trajectories.

Interpreting the HJ-Biplot graphic

The HJ-Biplot method is based on simple geometric concepts. Below those basic interpretational rules are presented:

(i) the distances among row markers are interpreted as an inverse function of similarities, in such a way that closer markers (objects) are more similar;

(ii) the lengths of the column markers (vectors) approximate the standard deviation of the variables;

(iii) the cosines of the angles among the column vectors approximate the correlations among variables in such a way that small acute angles are associated with variables with high positive correlations; obtuse angles near to the straight angle are associated with variables with high negative correlations and right angles are associated with non-correlated variables. In the same way, the cosines of the angles among the variable markers and the axes (Principal Components) approximate the correlations between them;

(iv) the order of the orthogonal projections of the row markers (points) onto a column marker (vector) approximates the order of the row elements (values) in that column.


Gabriel, K. R. (1971) The biplot graphical display of matrices with application to principal component analysis. Biometrika58, 453-467.

BiplotR Biplot Example Csv

R Biplot Example Csv Spreadsheet

Galindo, M. P. (1986) Una alternativa de representacion simultanea: HJ-Biplot. Questiio, 10(1):13-23, 1986.

Egido, J; Galindo, M. P. (2015) Biplot Dinamico. http://hdl.handle.net/10366/125245

R Biplot Example Csv
  • dynBiplot

R Biplot Example Csv Query

Documentation reproduced from package dynBiplotGUI, version 1.1.6, License: GPL (>= 2)

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R Biplot Example Csv Word

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