Casino Night Puns

Bgo Entertainment Limited (company registration number Casino Night Puns 1839) is a company registered in Alderney. The registered office is at address Inchalla, Le Val, Alderney, GY9 3UL. Food puns mostly revolve around puns on particular food items (especially vegetables, herbs etc.), but there’s also a few puns based around eating-related words like “supper”, “eat”, “fry” and “swallow”, for example.

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Casino Night Puns
Short Casino/Gambling Jokes

    Last night I got thrown out of the casino. I completely misunderstood the crap table.

    I know a guy at the casino who won’t gamble. He just watches the games and makes mental bets. Last week, he lost his mind.

    The wife of a doctor rang the casino to get her husband paged. They refused. The house didn’t make doctor calls.

    At the casino I lost so badly I had to sell the car in the car park. The people at Hertz are going to be really angry.

    I’m going to the casino tonight. I hope I break even. I need the money.

    Crown Casino in Melbourne is very “high-tech”. They’ve got special areas, like the Oak Room and thew Mahogany Room. Alice Springs Casino, on the other hand, is a little more basic. They’ve got the Chipboard Room and the Corrugated Iron Room.

    In Vegas, they’ll bet on anything. One casino was ready to let me bet on whether I’d win or lose there.

    Launceston must have the quietest casino in the world. I played poker. It was what I had to do wake up the dealer.

    As I walked in the casino, I passed some Siamese twins on their way out. I said, “Did you win?”
    They said, “Yes and no.”

    I had nothing to do, so just for a laugh I went to the casino. In three hours I’d laughed away my car.

    The dealers at Sydney’s casino really hate you winning. I won $100 at roulette and the croupier said, “I’ll toss you, double or nothing.”

    I walked around the casino with a pocket full of chips. I’m still trying to get the smell of vinegar out of my trousers.

    The casino in Alice Springs is a bit backward. They don’t even have Keno. Instead, they’ve got as girl who comes up to your table and says, “Okay, I’m thinking of a number between one and ten…”

    With gamblers, they say a fool and his money are soon parted. What I want to know is how did a fool and his money get together in the first place?

    I think gambling was invented as a tax on people who are bad at mathematics.

    I think gambling is a great way to get nothing for something.

    'What'll you have, Normie?'
    'Well, I'm in a gambling mood, Sammy. I'll take a glass of whatever comes out of that tap.'
    'Looks like beer, Norm.'
    'Call me Mister Lucky.'

    Rodney Dangerfield joined Gamblers Anonymous. They gave him three-to-one he wouldn't make it.

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