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I. Artist's name.
Unless otherwise indicated, the artist's name, mark or initials appear on the
2. Year of the Poster.
The year given is that of the publication of the poster, not necessarily the date of
the event publicized or the year that art for it was rendered.
3. Size.
Size is given in inches first, then centimeters, width preceding height. Size is for entire sheet, not just the image area.
4. Printer.
Unless otherwise indicated, the name of the printer is that which appears on the
face of the poster. It should be kept in mind that frequently the establishment credited on the poster is, in fact, an agency, studio or publisher.
5. Condition of the Poster.
We have attempted a simplified rating of all the posters in this sale. It should be kept in mind that we are dealing, in many cases, with 50 to 100-year-old advertising paper. The standards of the print collector cannot be used. Prints were, for the most part, done in small format, on fine paper, and meant to be immediately framed or stored in a print sleeve or cabinet. A poster, for the most part, was printed in a large format, on the cheapest possible paper, and was meant to last about eight weeks on the billboards.
Most important to the condition of a poster -- not eight weeks but often eighty years later--is the image of the poster: is that image (the lines, the colors, the overall design) still clearly expressed? If so, it is a poster worth collecting.
While details of each poster's condition are given as completely and accurately as possible, blemishes, tears or restorations which do not detract from the basic image and impact should not seriously impair value.
All posters are lined, whether on linen or japan paper, unless otherwise indicated. But please note that posters received in frames are not inspected out of their frames and therefore no warranty can be made about them.
All photos are of the actual poster being offered for sale. A close look at the photo and a reading of the text should enable the buyer who cannot personally examine the item to make an intelligent appraisal of it.
The following ratings have been used:
Cond A Designates a poster in very fine condition. The colors are fresh; no paper loss. There may be some slight blemish or tear, but this is very marginal and not noticeable. A+ is a flawless example of a poster rarely
seen in such fine condition. A- indicates there may be some slight dirt,
fold, tear or bubble or other minor restoration, but most unobtrusive.
Cond B Designates a poster in good condition. There may be some slight paper
loss, but not in the image or in any crucial design area. If some restoration, it is not immediately evident. The lines and colors are good, although paper may have yellowed (light-stained). B+ designates a poster
in very good condition. B- is one in fairly good condition. The latter de
termination may be caused by heavier than normal light-staining or one
or two noticeable repairs.
Cond C Designates a poster in fair condition. The light-staining may be more
pronounced, restorations, folds or flaking are more readily visible, and
possibly some minor paper loss occurs. But the poster is otherwise intact, the image clear, and the colors, though possibly faded, still faithful
to the artist's intent.
Cond D Designates a poster in bad condition. A good part of such poster may be
missing, including some crucial image area; colors and lines so marred
that a true appreciation of the artist's intent is difficult, if not impossible. There are no D posters in this sale!
The above condition ratings are solely the opinion of Poster Auctions International,
and are presented only as an aid to the public. Prospective purchasers are expected to have satisfied themselves as to the condition of the posters. Any discrepancy relating to the condition of a poster shall not be considered grounds for the cancellation of a sale.
Some other notes and designations relating to the condition of a poster:
Framed Where a poster is framed, this is indicated. In many cases, we have photographed the poster in the frame and the dimensions given are those
which are visible within the matting or edges of the frame.
Paper All posters in this sale are linen- or japan-backed unless the designation
'P' appears.
6. Bibliography.
An abbreviation for each reference (Ref) is given and can be found in the complete
Bibliography. The reference is almost always to a reproduction of that poster. If a
' p .' precedes it, it means the reproduction or reference is on that page; if number only, it refers to a poster or plate number. Every effort has been made to refer to books that are authoritative and/or easily accessible.
7. Pre-Sale Estimate
These estimates are guides for prospective bidders and should not be relied upon
as representations or predictions of actual selling prices. They are simply our best
judgment of the fair market value of that particular poster in that condition on the
date it was written.


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Casino 1116 Frame Brackets

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