2 Plots Python

In this post, we will discuss how to plot logarithmic axes with matplotlib in Python. Matplotlib is a popular tool for data visualization in Python because of its versatility. Here, we will see how to plot a logarithmic graph using matplotlib.

Compare seven libraries and APIs for plotting in Python, and see which best meets your. It is to be noted that fig.addsubplot(2, 2, 1) is equivalent to fig.addsubplot(221). The arguments can be specified as a sequence without separating them by commas. You can plot the subplots by using the plot function of pyplot. The subplots will be filled in the order of plotting. Do you know the box plot? Wikipedia defines the box plot as a method for.


If you’re reading this article, it’s a good assumption that you already have matplotlib installed. However, a short description of the installation is provided. Feel free to skip it if you have already installed matplotlib.

Note that matplotlib is a large library, but one single command will suffice the installation of the library. Run the following command on your command prompt. Everything that’s required should automatically be installed.

Check if the library was installed correctly by importing matplotlib on your Python shell.

Python program to plot logarithmic axes using matplotlib

The process to plot logarithmic axes is extremely similar to regular plotting except for one line of code which is specifying the type of axes as ‘log’.

2 Axis Python

For demonstrating this, we will plot the powers of 10 against their exponents. With a basic understanding of logarithms, you’ll know that this will be a linear logarithmic graph.

First, we will set up the subplot required to plot the graph.

Plots2 Plots Python

We have our subplot ready and now it’s time to plot the graph and set the axis type as ‘log’.

That’s all that needs to be done to plot a graph with a logarithmic scale. Without the logarithmic scale, the data that we plotted would show a curve with an exponential rise. The graph will be linear with a logarithmic y-axis.

Similarly, you can apply the same for x-axis by using pyplot.xscale(‘log’). Some of the other scales that can be used are ‘linear’, ‘symlog’, ‘logit’. You can refer to the official documentation for it here. I hope you found this article helpful.

Create 2 Plots Python

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